Welcome to the CARE Portal, your central hub for ensuring safety and well-being within our school community. Designed collaboratively with students, parents, staff, and administrators, this portal provides an anonymous avenue to report concerns, access resources, and complete required forms and surveys. Together, let's foster a culture of Community, Assessment, Response, and Education.

Parent Engagement Hours

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The CARE Portal offers an easy way for you to report an absence, complete surveys, or monitor your involvement at your child's school or within the District. MVUSD is committed to enhancing parent engagement, so whether it's attending a meeting, participating in an event, or making a school visit, you can easily log your hours!


The CARE Portal lets you tell about things you saw or things that might happen soon. You can share without saying your name or tell us who you are if you want help. Your info is safe with us.

Any questions or prompts with * are required.

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The CARE Portal lets you tell about things you saw or things that might happen soon. You can share without saying your name or tell us who you are if you want help. Your info is safe with us.

Any questions or prompts with * are required.

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The CARE Portal lets you tell about things you saw or things that might happen soon. You can share without saying your name or tell us who you are if you want help. Your info is safe with us.

Any questions or prompts with * are required.

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Important questions and answers about the C.A.R.E. System.

If you're concerned about your safety it's only natural to wonder how to report anonymously. By using an anonymous report, you can send a tip to criminal activity without giving your name. After you provide a report, a six-digit case number is given to you, so that you use for future reference.

There are many questions that surround mandated reporting. Information submitted by students or parents may trigger District staff to report the tip to both Law Enforcement and Child Protective Services as required by law. DISTRICT EMPLOYEES: ALL employees are mandated reporters. Using the C.A.R.E report does NOT satisfy your responsibility to report. You must still submit a Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR) to Law Enforcement and Child Protective Services. The C.A.R.E report is an accountability tool to ensure that all District staff are collectively doing everything they can to ensure students are safe.